St. John Ambulance- Year 2012 Annual Carnival State of Penang

Finally the carnival was over n we as the oc dun nid stay back till 5pm every day for preparation dy, yea =D
Me, my brother (Yeoh Keng Yik) and my friend (Tan Kok Yih) was the photographer of tis carnival, but most of the picture below was taken by me, here I say sorry to my assistance photographer cuz I oni pick a few of their photos oni  xD
Hmm….although I felt tat tis year carnival was not as fun as last year’s carnival, but at least everyone had enjoy it, rite? Hahax. I know everyone sure felt very tired after back from carnival, lol.
Not bad not bad, everyone had try their best to organize, support n enjoy tis carnival. This year carnival was become an unforgettable event during my St. John life, thx everyone ya, hahax.
I hope tat the photo below can recall back u all’s sweet memory on tat day, enjoy ya =D
I feel sorry for those I din capture your face during the carnival…..
If u wan let more people to know the photos, pls kindly help me share, thx a lot!! =)

1st Time Thaipusam Shoot-2012

Hi everyone, did u know what is Thaipusam?

"Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly by the Tamil community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai." Result form wikipedia xD

This is my first time to join such event, hmmm.....never tried before

But wad can i said is, quite interesting. Along the road, there were many stall which had prepared some free drink and food and 2gether v a speaker which played loud music around, at night people throw the coconut for wishes......(i donno how to discribe it, hahahax)

If got chances, u should go n try out tis interesting event =D

"Flooding Day"

2day, mum and dad din't not at home, they go to Taiping since early of the morning.

so my brother n me need my sister n my brother to bring us to the tuition center.

At night, brother forgot to close the roof before he go out, n that time my sister was fetching me n my brother back from tiution, so the situation become like this below.............

Chinese New Year Day 2 till 4 Taiping Trip

Every year of our big family's Chinese New Year places to visit is to our Grandparent's house at Taiping, Kuala Sepetang

there is a fishing village n most of the villagers are fisherman

Hmm, i like the night view there, the sky is full v clear stars, the light pollution is better compare v the serious light pollution in the city