I don't want to let go

Although this isn't the laptop that belongs to me, it is actually belong to my brother, yet, it had also accompany me on the path of Photography since i start my hobby, photography. It help me to edit the photos, store it and upload them, playing the LOL with friends, Facebook, ect....... Although it is quite lag and slow during photo retouch, but i still love it. 

What happened to you? =(. Y u wan to leave me? (just kidding..xD)

Choose 1st 1, it load awhile and appear blank page, whole page black black eh.....
Choose 2nd 1, start normally, n then......blue screen and restart

Is it the time for Macbook Pro WITH RETINA DISPLAY?
Hahahax, tat is impossible, i hav no $$ .__.

**hey wait, all of my important things are inside this laptop, argh......

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