Cleaning Gurney 2012

Not much photos, most of them are landscape's photos =D. Gurney look great actually, plan to shoot it again if gt chance. 

I'm Sick

The most serious case i met ever. My joint, muscle was pain, headache with high body temperature.

Whole day lack of appetite, spirit and lose interest to every things. Damn.....

Chung Ling High School Form 5 Graduation

After staying in this school five years, finally it come to the end. Congratulation to all form 5 student and wish you all the best after graduate form school life.  

Chung Ling High School Gerko Dinner

This is the 1st time and maybe the last time I having dinner together with our principal. However, it is a memorable night.

Retirement Ceremony of Chung Ling High School Principal, Mr. Chuah Yau Chou

I feel so lucky that i am able to witness the school principal retirement by myself, because not everyone has the chance to witness their school principal retirement by themselves. Not really a good picture below, but hope that i am able to record the moments. Lastly, i wan to say, thank you Mr. Chuah for servicing our school for this few years.


Is anyone concentrate from start till end during the course? Good luck to all president, secretary and treasurer to lead your club. Have fun~

I don't want to let go

Although this isn't the laptop that belongs to me, it is actually belong to my brother, yet, it had also accompany me on the path of Photography since i start my hobby, photography. It help me to edit the photos, store it and upload them, playing the LOL with friends, Facebook, ect....... Although it is quite lag and slow during photo retouch, but i still love it. 

JCI Junior Annual Peninsular Convention cum Chung Ling High School Installation and Awards Banquet 2012

Hope that these photos could help you all to memorise the moment we stay together

3rd Chung Ling High School International Student Camp- Day 4

Day 4- Team Building- Shopping- BBQ- Camp Fire

3rd Chung Ling High School International Student Camp- Day 3

2012 Chung Ling St. John Ambulance Ex-leader Dinner

Although there were not much ex-leader attended the ex-leader dinner, but at least we had gathered together and enjoy the fun.

Hope that these photos could help to record the moment that we gather together~

3rd Chung Ling High School International Student Camp- Day 2

Day 2- Opening Ceremony, Cultural Games and Welcoming Dinner

3rd Chung Ling High School International Student Camp- Day 1

Hope you could enjoy the journey of Chung Ling International Student Camp~

Star Gazing

I love night view, i love bright star in the clear dark sky. So i love the feeling of this photo, but unfortunately, living in a city, the chances to see those bright star is almost impossible, full of pollution.....

Hope that u would love this picture too =)   

Once Boomer Met a Cat...

When my Boomer Husky met a cat, LOL, he keep rush toward it n bark at it

but the cat was not scare on Boomer's action, so brave....hahax

Journey To The Super Star Libra

31 March, my parents, my aunt's family and her cousin and me with my young brother went to SuperStar Libra, operated by Star Cruises. My first time sail on a big ferry..... hehe

Erm.....not really enjoy it. Before enter the boat, my young brother was scolded by father and eldest brother because of his mistake, forgot to bring along his SD card. But after that, i had lend him mine spare 512MB SD card to use. It can only use to shoot jpeg photos n cant able to store RAW file, so he cannot edit the photos of this trip any more.

Inside the ferry, hahahax, i seem like a villager visits a city, 1st time see so high class eh facilities, look around and walk around the ship. LOL

until the boat start to depart, i stand at the balcony of the ship, watching the ship moving away from Penang island. The wind was so strong and cold when it is moving, my legs was nearly cramp, hahax. Whole of the journey,  i m thinking i m in the part of the movie Titanic, hearing the music from my phone, the feeling was so difference.

whole of the journey.......Shooting.....Shooting......n Shooting photos, wad i can comment is... sienz........ntg to do, unless u r over 21 years olds, then u wont feel sienz dy, hahax. Dun gamble too much till jump ship ya xDD


嗯~~~今天,学校有个"safety conference" 给全校老师,所以今天并没有上课,只是被软禁了一整天。大家在做什么呢??谈天、准备要拿电话来看XXX、下下棋、做生物报告,做功课。。。。。。而我,则是在那儿拼功课,拼命地温习Anthony 的笔记,高级数,普通数,物理,化学。哈哈哈,朋友都说我暗拼,我有吗?我不是在光明正大的拼着吗??哈哈,说笑而已拉~其实是因为我已下定决心这次要做好来了,不想再欠老师任何的功课,成天过着提心吊胆的日子上课。那种滋味一点都不好受。而且我也答应了你,要拼完功课,但我已迟了好多天了。喜 XP

Primary Management Course

Few years din duty on tis course dy..... LOL

erm...i already pass tis course since i was form 2, but i heard from other friends said tat they now form 4 still haven't pass this course yet, hahax

wish u all good luck to get yours' result n dun retest any more again ya xD

St. John Ambulance- Year 2012 Annual Carnival State of Penang

Finally the carnival was over n we as the oc dun nid stay back till 5pm every day for preparation dy, yea =D
Me, my brother (Yeoh Keng Yik) and my friend (Tan Kok Yih) was the photographer of tis carnival, but most of the picture below was taken by me, here I say sorry to my assistance photographer cuz I oni pick a few of their photos oni  xD
Hmm….although I felt tat tis year carnival was not as fun as last year’s carnival, but at least everyone had enjoy it, rite? Hahax. I know everyone sure felt very tired after back from carnival, lol.
Not bad not bad, everyone had try their best to organize, support n enjoy tis carnival. This year carnival was become an unforgettable event during my St. John life, thx everyone ya, hahax.
I hope tat the photo below can recall back u all’s sweet memory on tat day, enjoy ya =D
I feel sorry for those I din capture your face during the carnival…..
If u wan let more people to know the photos, pls kindly help me share, thx a lot!! =)

1st Time Thaipusam Shoot-2012

Hi everyone, did u know what is Thaipusam?

"Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly by the Tamil community on the full moon in the Tamil month of Thai." Result form wikipedia xD

This is my first time to join such event, hmmm.....never tried before

But wad can i said is, quite interesting. Along the road, there were many stall which had prepared some free drink and food and 2gether v a speaker which played loud music around, at night people throw the coconut for wishes......(i donno how to discribe it, hahahax)

If got chances, u should go n try out tis interesting event =D

"Flooding Day"

2day, mum and dad din't not at home, they go to Taiping since early of the morning.

so my brother n me need my sister n my brother to bring us to the tuition center.

At night, brother forgot to close the roof before he go out, n that time my sister was fetching me n my brother back from tiution, so the situation become like this below.............

Chinese New Year Day 2 till 4 Taiping Trip

Every year of our big family's Chinese New Year places to visit is to our Grandparent's house at Taiping, Kuala Sepetang

there is a fishing village n most of the villagers are fisherman

Hmm, i like the night view there, the sky is full v clear stars, the light pollution is better compare v the serious light pollution in the city

Chinese New Year Eve and Day 1 of Chinese New Year Celebration

Hi, everyone. The photos below are the Chinese New Year 2012 photo that i shoot,
Here i say 1st, if ugly till hurt eyes, sry har XD 

True Friend

I need a true friend in my life, no matter he/she is the only 1 or many

i dun wan to be along in my life, i need a friend to walk with me

A friend ineed is the friend indeed, i need a friend who are able to hear my abreact, to share with me the happiness, sadness, achievement  and etc

Am i able to find this person in my life? and who are going to be.........

St .John Ambulance-Lord Prior's Visit to Penang (Welcome Dinner)

Official visit of Lord Prior to the order of St. John to Penang 

During the dinner, we laugh from starting until end

when the food served about half a minute, we all fought n finished it dy

u can see it at the picture below =)

Last Day of Year 2011

ok, wad did everyone did in 31st of Dec, of course is going to countdown at Gurney, QueenBay, Strait Quay...... where the plece is near the sea

as usual, i oso went for countdown at Strait Quay 2gether v my cousin n his cute son

this day, i shoot a lot of his son's photo because he is extreamly cute, LOL

hope u enjoy the photo below   =)

25/12 Party Celebration

25th of December 2011, which was the date of Chrismass 

our house had a party on the birthday of "na du gong" n Chrismass

together with our big family, parent's friend and oso my brother friend  

i only shoot a few photo because i m buzy BBQ-ing the sausage n the situation was not gud for shooting

hence, the photo that i shoot would be a little bit blur  

Have a look here n hope u enjoy it....